CCT can be used to form a sequence of clusters or Opportunistic Large Arrays (OLAs), where each cluster is defined by which nodes can decode the transmission from the previous cluster. SARL has demonstrated stable synchronization over an unlimited number of cluster hops. This sequential CCT technique is the basis of a novel reactive routing protocol called OLAROAD, illustrated in Figure, which has particular advantages in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), since it is contention-free for a single flow and does not require the establishment of any conventional multi-hop routes. SARL has demonstrated video transmission over such a route.
Related Publications
- L. V. Thanayankizil and M.A. Ingram, “Reactive robust routing with opportunistic large arrays,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
- L. V. Thanayankizil and M.A. Ingram, “Reactive routing for multi-hop dynamic ad hoc networks based on opportunistic large arrays,” Wireless Mesh and Sensor Networks Symposium, Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2008.
- L.V. Thanayankizil and M.A. Ingram, “A two-hop ACK scheme for ensuring survivability in a cooperative transmission network,” 10th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Jaipur, December 2007.
Last revised on Jan 28, 2010.